What matters this week at Purpose Africa?

May 16, 2024


Welcome to the fourth edition of Purpose Matters. The past two weeks are marked by some exciting developments at Purpose Africa: partnerships are starting to take shape, The Ministry of Health for Ethiopia presented the Investment Case to stakeholders, and we introduce a concept of Health Coins as a method of verified delivery of individual donations for global health services and technologies. Keep reading to find out more.

Dr. Dereje Deguma
HE Dr Dereje Deguma, Deputy minister of Health of Ethiopia presenting the Investment Case to stakeholders at the validation workshop – 15 May 2024.


Partnership Matters

  • EDCTP Council Representatives from all three countries: Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria are prepared for presenting the case for Purpose Africa partnerships in other countries at the June 27th meeting of the General Assembly.
  • On the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Partnership, a new collaboration with the Rwanda Biomedical Center has started. See Rwanda Country Matters section for more.
  • A reception was held in Washington DC, attended by leadership from more than 30 prominent organizations, where Mark and Amir were welcomed by the host.

What are Health Coins?

Health Coins is an exciting new area Purpose Africa is seeking partnerships on. Health Coins are Block Chains purchased by an individual donor of a health service and/or technology, which then securely and accurately transmits a message back to the donor when their donation has a verified delivery endpoint. A concept such as Health Coins is precisely the disruptive action needed for meaningful change in the area of global philanthropy and tech are at the heart of this disruption, providing African countries to leap over others that have lagged in the adoption of innovations to shake up global health financing challenges.


Learning Together!

The Purpose Africa team have launched a new internal workshop initiative called “Learning Together”. The aim of Learning Together is to give exposure to all staff important topics, and current affairs from their home country or area of work. For the inaugural workshop, we learned about the Nigerian administration structure and health tier system and the past Nigerian Presidential election and its socio-economic implications. Many thanks to Dami for sharing her insightful commentary and linking it to what it means for Purpose Africa.

Partnership Matters Continued

  • The Purpose Africa partnership with TriNetX to provide a customized solution for a real-world data exchange has progressed and will be piloting in Ethiopia. If successful, the model could be adopted by all our country partners.
  • Productive discussions with Medtronics for partnership on medical equipment at the country level.
  • Productive discussions with the Algorand Foundation for partnership to pilot Health Coins initiative.

Validation workshop, Ethiopia - 15 May 2024



Programming for Sustainable Capacity


  • For the Investment Case, the assessments and the proposal writing are ongoing.
  • Purpose Africa is partnering with Rwanda Biomedical Center on a new project evaluating a pilot intervention for MNCH.


The Minister of Health of Ethiopia has completed and endorsed the Investment Case.


  • The consortium held their first meeting to plan next steps.
  • Firm hired to support the Consortium on developing the Investment Case, including the Research Center assessments.


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